Warehouse doors.

Impact damage and corrosion are common issues in industrial facilities. This is why it’s crucial that the right doors are specified to maximise service life. Doors constructed from properties known for their strength and durability like GRP are ideal for harsh industrial environments. 

Our range of industrial door solutions are specifically designed to satisfy customers’ needs for a long service life, superb quality, strength, maximum functional safety and improved traffic flow. 

At Dortek we provide all the services and products that are needed to deliver a complete solution. We take full responsibility for design, manufacture, install and service. All projects are managed individually from conception to completion to ensure client satisfaction and quality control.

  • Our industrial doors improve energy efficiency and operation safety in distribution centres, food production facilities, warehouses and automotive environments.
  • Dortek doors ensure smooth goods flow in and out of industrial facilities, warehouses, logistics centres, vehicle showrooms and retail.
  • Our door solutions solve common issues in industrial premises such as fire and safety standards, energy savings, specialist opening sizes and security.

Areas of Application

Industrial Plant Doors

Automotive Industry Doors

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Doors

Food Processing Doors

Logistics Doors

Machine Protection Doors


What our clients say

Too often we don’t commend effort and hard work and in this case collaboration, so I just wanted to say thank you to the Dortek team for your very quick reaction and professionalism in assisting our on-site team, you and your team have demonstrated a real ‘can do’ attitude which I am very grateful for.

MD of a Specialist Operating Theatre Contractor, Major Dublin Hospital.

The Dortek team was an immense help in the procurement process and helped get us out of a pinch in a handful of instances. It seemed as though whenever we gave them a call regarding something time sensitive, they were willing to jump right on it. If any on-site assistance was needed, they were always willing to make themselves available and help us find both cost and time effective solutions. I can’t say enough good things about their help in making the project come together. Thank you for being a great trade partner!

Construction Project Engineer, US

Thank you and the Dortek team for continued world class service. As mentioned before the product is always great, but the service your team provides is even greater! The doors turned out very well for this project, and the owner is impressed with them as well.

Laboratory Designer, US

We have installed Dortek’s GRP doors for the past 12 years in 3 of our locations in Europe. The doors are ideal in production areas as they are without seams or crevices into which dirt and bacteria can gather as well as being very strong and hard wearing. I have found Dortek staff very technically competent, focused on working with me on presenting solutions to problems, and I regularly recommend Dortek to colleagues and peers in our industry.

Global Manufacturing Company

Infection control is of critical importance in our premises and, therefore, specifying the correct doors for our new operating theatres was crucial. We are impressed with the high quality and clean appearance of Dortek’s doors which are particularly suited to sterile areas. Their installation team were very professional, helpful and knowledgeable and we wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them to others in the industry.

Dick White ReferralsVeterinary Specialists

Dick White Referrals Veterinary Specialists

Busy large warehouse full of boxes.

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Andy Sharpe, Industrial Expert

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Busy large warehouse full of boxes.
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